We are built to serve differently; our purpose is part of what makes us who we are. There is a reason for us not taking the same path. I ride differently, I run differently, I see differently, I think differently, You, You 'ride' differently. I have had the chance to sit and exchange ideas and thoughts with people older than I am. Some spoke wisdom, some just said what they knew, not what they had experienced. 

    Let us say, I do not like labels or being tagged, maybe being called a given title to indicate my position. We all know what and who we are as soon as we take that role title or position. Why do we need a tag/title to prove that it is truly our role or position? Our attitude and our actions towards roles given and trusted upon us should depict it.

    I will not direct others, as I know they are capable of doing their duty just as much as they know how to carry it out. If they do not then I assume they are not capable or fit for the role. Many will disagree with the above thoughts but this is what I mean by serving differently and thinking differently. Taking a different path in thinking is not a mistake but it is culture.


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