
Attention is expensive

 'All my life, I have missed the fun I could give to myself' she said to herself. Maybe she does not know that attention is scarce and not easily gotten even if it was available. Attention was a way of saying 'I am here', 'I see you', and 'I hear you'. It is something that comes willingly and helplessly and should be given selflessly. It does not have any price attached to it, so why should it be expensive? Well, when you seek from someone who has it but is unwilling to give it, then it becomes expensive; a price is placed on it, something valuable. The effort put into convincing them that you need this attention, that you truly deserve it is the price. The effort is the price. The time dedicated to proving that you are worthy of the attention is also a price. The dignity you stand to lose in the process of dedicating your time and effort is something you can never get back. This is also a price that is been paid. Everything is lost in the process. Time,...

Human - "Insan"

 Meeting several people in life, different cultures, traditions, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and mindsets - everything different. The way we perceive things, and the way we accept changes, makes everyone unique.     "Insan cok zor" - "Humans are difficult", I always, say but it is not in a negative way, it is a way to say we are different in all that we do and that the choices we make affect our actions; this affects the people around us who try to understand us. Some get it, some fail to understand.     The truth - The truth is that we cannot please anyone with our lifestyle, whether we are decent or not, people always have something to say. We have to accept, we can accept it. Humans are built that way. We are built to create and adapt (which means to accept anything either gradually or suddenly). God understood change and creation, and that is the reason why he made his very own - man (made in the image of God) to understand, accept, and create.     L...

Our Thoughts, Our Choice

      Sometimes what seems to be right is wrong. We are misguided by our worldly thoughts; we fail to see the dots and commas of life, like a child we keep reading without acknowledging them. We cannot pronounce the words right, we refuse to learn from the master. When the time for 'the exams' came, we failed so much.     If men did have dominion, does it mean we are above God? Having distinctions and being the best in class, does it mean you know better than the teacher does? All these require careful thoughts and yet we wonder why we are HERE when we are supposed to be THERE. We end up hurting ourselves, and struggling! Struggling for something that was made to struggle for us.     Perhaps, we should be careful, sometimes the scars we give ourselves today do not heal the same day. It will not heal the same day. Imagine a body with so many scars; it would take GRACE for it to look beautiful. That is the life of a broken man, some die with it, while ot...


      We are built to serve differently; our purpose is part of what makes us who we are. There is a reason for us not taking the same path. I ride differently, I run differently, I see differently, I think differently, You, You 'ride' differently. I have had the chance to sit and exchange ideas and thoughts with people older than I am. Some spoke wisdom, some just said what they knew, not what they had experienced.      Let us say, I do not like labels or being tagged, maybe being called a given title to indicate my position. We all know what and who we are as soon as we take that role title or position. Why do we need a tag/title to prove that it is truly our role or position? Our attitude and our actions towards roles given and trusted upon us should depict it.     I will not direct others, as I know they are capable of doing their duty just as much as they know how to carry it out. If they do not then I assume they are not capable or fit for t...